Okay so I promised to post last night and forgot -- long day. Most people who have been doing the reboot as long as me should be over certain cravings -- but the truth of the matter you need to stay very disciplined throughout the process. Never slipping up is hard - emotional and mentally. The physical part needs to happen to inspire your body to burn your fat faster -- no matter what others say you need to exercise. Go for a walk - go to the gym, move your body to music -- DO SOMETHING!!! If you do more than not -- you will forget that you miss solid foods - like pizza. Which I slipped up again this week and had more pizza pie --
If you are following Casey and my videos you will know I stay very honest with my reboot. I don't hide anything - that's for me, God and to share with others - you need to know every struggle we go through to understand what will or could happen to you and what mistakes to avoid. Wouldn't you want to know how to walk through a live minefield - if I went through already? To know the dangers or loopholes. Of course you would. Doing the reboot or any fast can create double or triple urges. And before you ask, yes I mean every kind of urge -- food, desires, doing more of something that you don't need to be doing - like slacking off.
I did fairly well other than the cheat -- I juiced everyday and lost the weight I gained back last week and lost it this week with a couple pounds additional to break the 290 mark -- the only way I see myself losing more weight every week and more than a few pounds is exercise - its a must -- My prediction for next Saturday's weigh in -- if I take charge of my life and exercise 4-5 days a week I will be at 280 or less.
I challenge any of my subscribers to do the same - get off your butts -- move - you heard me MOVE yourself into victory - strive to be better than you are - it will hurt and you will feel pain and uneasiness - but pain is temporary and victory is forever!!!!
You can make this happen -- and if you go and read my buddy, Casey's blog you will discover he started off going to the gym 1-2 times a week - and is finding it addictive - in a good way. Now he works out 4-5 times week. He goes when he has cravings for bad food or just to feel better and I can tell you from the compliments he received last night at poker -- you can see major changes even from last Saturday -- he looks awesome. I want that -- and you should too.
Remember Reboot Revolution is about improving yourself from the inside out - about change - its about your future. And only you can forest fires only you. This message was provided by me and not Smokey the Bear.
Juice on!!!!
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